What does supporting Donald Trump say about YOU? If you are a proud trump supporter, I have
some questions for you that I would like answered. The underlying theme is: WHY?
Is it the sexual assault and rape allegations? because
his own ex-wife detailed how he raped her on 60 minutes AND in her book. Plus, there is audio tape of him describing
how he likes to sexually assault women and nearly a dozen women who have
accused him of the EXACT kind of behavior he described around the time that he
said it. He doesn't dispute any of this.
the women who have accused Trump of sexual assault
Is it the cozy relationship he has with a Russian dictator? Because
he actually said that he hopes that Russia hacks the DNC (which they did) and
interferes in the election, which they did. http://bcove.me/t7jb7qsi
Is it his overt racism? (So many examples that there is
no need to post just one)
Is it his mocking behavior of the disabled? Because if
it IS your assertion that he DIDN'T make fun of a disabled reporter, there is
video proof. https://youtu.be/PX9reO3QnUA?t=15s
Is it that he seems to have zero regard for or understanding
of the constitution, the bill of rights or the most obvious and ubiquitous
laws-of-the-land? Trump
disregard for constitution
Is it that he has defrauded tens-of-thousands of people
during his career, including more than six thousand students? If you are proud of him DESPITE him having
done this because you simply don't believe it?
Are you not aware that he recently settled a lawsuit, for having done
exactly that, for more than $25 million. That is a FACT. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/11/18/reports-trump-nears-settlement-trump-u-fraud-case/94068946/
Is it that he doesn't pay taxes like you and I do, leaving
us to foot-the-bill for all of the things that he rails against? Trump
doesn't pay taxes
Is it his constant vitriol and ridicule aimed at men and
women who have the unenviable task of reporting on the thousands of lies he has
told? https://youtu.be/Y2vozC_kP6Q By the way, the story that he told in this
clip was proven to be an outright lie.
He hadn't to that point, raised any money for vets and hadn't given a
dime to anyone. The result of which is
that his foundation was investigated and sued by the New York Attorney General.
Is it that he has repeatedly called for violence against reporters, those
in the media whose job it is to fact-check his statements and protesters? In fact, he has defended those who resort to
violence, both on TV and by offering to pay for their legal defense. https://youtu.be/WIs2L2nUL-0
Is it his malicious and capricious use of the legal-system to intimidate anyone who criticizes him? Trump's long history of frivolous litigation
Is it his six bankruptcies? Because if you are saying that it ISN'T a fact
that he has declared bankruptcy 6 times, I can assure you that he has, because
bankruptcy is a legal proceeding which is part of the public record. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/21/hillary-clinton/yep-donald-trumps-companies-have-declared-bankrupt/
Is it his reportedly bogus
military deferments, that he used to dodge the draft during the Vietnam
War? By the way, is it ok with you that
somebody who was declared unfit for the military is now going to be
Is it his complete disrespect for war heroes and prisoners
of war... acting as if it was their fault that they were captured? Because it
is a FACT that he made fun of John McCain for being a prisoner of war? (There
is video proof) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSxwR9kCbZ0
Is it that his cabinet is shaping up to be the most corrupt,
most inept, most ignorant, least experienced in the history of the republic?
Does he share your "Christian" values of "Fuck
the homeless, Fuck
the poor, Fuck
the elderly, Fuck the unhealthy, Fuck
the immigrants?"
I could keep going down the list and provide evidence of every single one of my assertions except, maybe, for the lowest IQ claim which is based on qualitative analysis and studies of his speeches, writings, college transcripts, high school transcripts and thousands of interviews that are all cataloged.
I could keep going down the list and provide evidence of every single one of my assertions except, maybe, for the lowest IQ claim which is based on qualitative analysis and studies of his speeches, writings, college transcripts, high school transcripts and thousands of interviews that are all cataloged.
I can provide (or already have) indisputable video evidence
of many of my points above and there are, literally, thousands of pages of
sworn testimony, in the public record, to back up many others.
You can watch pool footage from Fox News to hear him talk
about wanting people to resort to violence against those who criticize him and
you could have watched the news in the last week to see one of the guys who was
convicted of punching a black guy at a Trump campaign event right after Trump
told the crowd to do so.
I have come to a conclusion that I feel is adequately
supported with sufficient evidence. I am
not pretending that I didn't already have a negative opinion regarding Donald
Trump, but the exercise of actually viewing video and reading quotes, really
put things in perspective for me. It
turns out that most, if not all, of the bad stuff that is said about trump is
true. There is no need for fake news
when the real news is so sensational and paints such a horrifying picture.
Therefore, I truly believe that you must possess one or many
of these qualities, or at least respect them in others, in order to actually
attest that you are proud to call him your president. You must be stupid, hateful, racist,
misogynistic, a liar, a criminal, xenophobic, homophobic, sociopathic,
narcissistic and/or some other manner of truly disgusting human being. Hardcore Trump supporters, in my opinion, offer
no tangible benefit to society and seem to have no discernible understanding of
economics, finance, history, culture, sociology or anthropology. Worse than that,
Trump and his supporters seem to lack empathy and humility... It seems obvious
to me that only the worst of us actually still support Trump, despite ALL of
the obvious reasons to abandon his rhetoric and actions for saner , more humane
Throughout history, the same types of people who now support Trump have supported Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin and Pol Pot. These are the willfully malicious, or woefully uneducated masses that make it IMPOSSIBLE to ever "make America great again," because they are too deliberately ignorant to contribute to that cause and there are too many to overcome.
Throughout history, the same types of people who now support Trump have supported Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin and Pol Pot. These are the willfully malicious, or woefully uneducated masses that make it IMPOSSIBLE to ever "make America great again," because they are too deliberately ignorant to contribute to that cause and there are too many to overcome.